Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.









Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.


Stay married! People divorce for some of the most trivial reasons. Here are some:
We fight alot, we no longer see eye to eye, children, in-laws, finances, even weight gain, these are issues of unresoved anger and resentment. Some even get divorced when there is a terminal illness. The only biblical reason for divorce, in the eyes of God, is adultery.Even at that God wants you to stay married if at all possible. The bible says God Hates divorce. If you are now involved in an affair, please run from it. STOP now. Get back to the right path and ajust your way of thinking. Go back towards God. Ask for forgivness, show complete honesty, and remorse, repent. An interloper( a third party) can only cloud your thinking and harden your heart(toward your spouse) Your children will suffer over their lifetime. Children of divorce are much more likely to get divorce themselves. Again I would say please stay married.

Judy Cipriano
wife of over 25 years.

Judy's Journal

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