Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.


Have an ongoing agreement to set goals for your future.
Take it one year at a time. Set a vision for what you both want to acconplish.
For exanple: To repair and paint your home, save for a vacation,,a new car or a second car, home funishings, or even a family pet. Make accomidations for completing your vision.
Mike and I are seeing our vision at Walt Disney World, with our three granddaughters.
This will require compromise, as both of you might have different visions.
Pray together that God will lead you in the right direction.
Do not leave Him out. If you do your marraige will become difficult.
Judy Cipriano
wife of over 25 years









Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.

Judy's Journal
