Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.

All of us want to be admired. Growning up some of us were favored by a parent and so admired we continually, throughout our lives keep searching for it through our spouse. Or the opposite can be true. If your parent did not acknowledge us as equal to our brothers and sisters, we also lay that on our spouse.

We sometimes display pictures of our children to people on facebook, trophies in our homes, framed report cards ect. We also do this fro ourselves. We brag about our accomplishments, in order to get admiration ( glory) from people

Lets not get this through worldly deeds. Get it from Godly deeds, earned deeds.

Give to your spouse out of love. This includes your childern as well as others.

God will admire this and you will recieve his favor.
Judy Cipriano
wife of over 25 years









Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.

Judy's Journal
