Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.









Welcome to Stay-Married.org

A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.


Your wife needs your attention! Have a weekly date night. Just you and your wife, no children!
And you pay! Think of ways you can plan the date, surprise her. If your budget is tight, like ours is in the winter, go to a less expensive place. Even Mc Donalds will do. 
We know you work hard, but we do too. Thank her daily for dinner, a clean house, doing the laundry, or whatever. Most women work outside the home on top of this and she helps pay the bills to. Thank her.
 Tell her you love her everyday. Even if you don't "feel" like it somedays. Your feelings change, don't go by them. Drop your pride and listen to her advice, she is your equal.

Do not be harsh in your words to her. Strong, harsh, sarcastic and (I hope you don't do this) profane words hurt and damage your wife. We don't respond well to this! Do not be afaid to say " I'm Sorry" when you are wrong even when you may think you are not. You are the leader of your family, make it easy for your wife to follow.

Judy Cipriano
wife of over 25 years.

Judy's Journal

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